Charity Status
Charity no. 105756
Date registered 12/01/2017
Public benefits
The direct benefits that flow from Music in Fermanagh’s purposes include (1) the opportunity for the general public to have access to a variety of chamber music performances of a high standard, not otherwise available to them within the geographical area, and to develop an appreciation of classical chamber music in all its manifestations; and (2) - working in partnership with, eg, the Education Authority Western Region - young people will have the rare opportunity to learn from and perform with experienced professional musicians, thus extending their musical skills and enhancing their intellectual understanding of chamber music. The benefits can be demonstrated via (1) evidence of audience numbers and feedback from the general public; (2) attendance at educational events and feedback from students and teachers; also reports provided to grant funders, support from volunteers and donors, and evidence of good fiscal management. No harm arises. The beneficiaries are (1) the general public in Fermanagh and its hinterland and (2) young people up to and including age 25 in Fermanagh and its hinterland. Musicians (some local) will benefit from performance fees and access to an audience but this is incidental to the achievement of the organisation’s purpose and the private benefit is necessary to help the organisation achieve its charitable purpose.
What your organisation does
We carry out our purposes by (1) selecting and organising programmes of chamber music of a high quality for performance at Ardhowen Theatre, Enniskillen, and other local venues; and (2) engaging musicians with experience of music education for educational activities, eg workshops, with young people up to and including age 25. Charges for the concerts are kept at a reasonable rate with concessions for young people. Educational activities are offered free of charge or at a nominal fee.
The charity’s classifications
The advancement of education
The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science
Who the charity helps
Children (5-13 year olds)
General public
Youth (14-25 year olds)
How the charity works